Wednesday, July 25, 2012

*Scared and Prayer*

I've been thinking a lot about saying good bye to all my friends and family here in Charlotte~ I will be back, and I know I will be!  My entire family is here, with the exception of my little brother and his lovely wife!  I have tried to spend more time with Sy's playgroup buddies. Their mom's have become some of my closest friends.  I'm not good at long distance relationships!  Friendships in this matter!  I'm scared because I don't want to know they are still getting together for play dates & MNO's without me!  I'm scared because I found them (or did they find me) when I needed them most~ as a new mom with no local friends with babies the same age as mine!  I'm scared I won't find other buddies & mommies who will fill their shoes and have hearts of gold like they do!   I am scared for Sylas!!  Scared for him being confused!  He has had such a BIG year (well, I had a big year too!!)!  I quite my job, I had a baby, and we are MOVING across the country!  When I quite my job back in April, he was great for a couple weeks but then started asking to go to my office, started asking for his teachers BY NAME, started asking for his buddies at school BY NAME!  It has been almost 4 months since then, and he still asks about them BY NAME!  He had a baby brother come into his life and ruffle up his parade!  He was the center of our lives, and always had our attention 100% of the time.  Now, we are packing up EVERYTHING he has EVER known into boxes which he/we might not see for the next 4 or 5 months, and live in an RV!!

Yes, an RV!!  Who does that??  Stereotype: old retired people!  Are we really going to live amongst older retired people??  Will we really be the youngest people in the RV Resort??

I am so scared, i don't have clear thoughts in my head about this adventure!  The only thing that is clear to me, is that I made a promise to God, to Brent, to myself, and all of my family & friends almost 5 years ago!  I will support my husband in his decision to love and support me & our 2 boys.  I trust he will will take care of us and keep us safe.  I trust we will make wise decisions for our family and make this next chapter of our lives something great that everyone will wish they had!  Please pray for me and my family in this adventure!  Pray for my heart that it will stay strong and will continue to trust in God.  Pray for my head that the thoughts will stay strong and positive.  Pray for me mentally and physically.  Pray for me, that I will get out and met new friends with children the ages of mine!  Pray for my marriage, that we will grow stronger and closer.  Pray for my children, that they will adjust well.  Pray for my family & friends here in Charlotte~ I will miss them all terribly!

I love that my husband recognizes this is not going to be easy for me to do!


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