Thursday, July 19, 2012

*Addition and Adventure*

Well, I've been waiting to make this post for when i had the time.  But, I have now realized, I may NEVER have the time!  So, here we go!

In April, we were blessed with the birth of a healthy (so far) little boy, which we named Turner Alexander!  This was truly a surprise as we didn't find out the sex of our baby before he was born!  Our first child was a boy, and since this pregnancy was 110% different than the first, we just KNEW we were having a girl!  However, right after birth, the doctor plopped the baby up on my belly for my husband and I to see the sex of the child, and we were COMPLETELY SHOCKED!!  Even tho I thought we wanted a girl so bad, we are totally in love and would not want anything different at all!!  I just have to prepare myself to lose every battle to my 3 boys!

Turner Alexander was born on Friday April 27th at 2:47pm weighing in at 7lbs 15oz!!!

Next on my list... is *Adventure*!!!  Yep, this *Adventure* is NOT FaceBook material yet, but I have to talk about it somewhere, or I will go NUTS!!  We recently put our house on the market, with hopes to move out west around the first of September!  If our house doesn't sell before we move, then we will just rent it (i guess).  We will be headed out to the Phoenix, Arizona area.  And this will be our home for the first few months we are there!

Not the house, the RV!  That house was the first house Brent and I lived in when we got married!  The RV, well, it's belongs to Brent's parents, and they are generous enough to allow us to borrow it for a bit when we get to AZ!  We just need to figure out what part of AZ we want to live!  If you have any suggestions of where about's to live in AZ, please let me know! 

Some people have expressed their concern about living in an RV for a bit with 2 little ones (2.5 yrs and 12 wks; as of now).  My response: Everyone A lot of people dream about traveling around the country in an RV.  Well, I have never dreamed about doing it, until now!  I am fairly excited about this adventure, but not excited about moving away from my parents and the family I grew up with!  I am excited about packing up our "American Dream" and living in an RV for a bit, and realizing I CAN LIVE without all these "things" in my life!

With all this being said, It means I will have something to blog about!  I will just have to learn and figure out what how to blog from my phone.  Stay Tuned for more about the "Buntyn Adventures"!!!

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