Tuesday, July 31, 2012

*Start of the Madness*

Consolidating our possessions when we moved in with each other was not a difficult task.  Consolidating our possessions when we bought our first house, was not a difficult task.  Consolidating our possessions as a family of 4 getting ready to move across the country, DIFFICULT!!

We are planning on getting rid of most of our possessions~ like the couch, washer & dryer, the composter, train table, and other big plastic kid items.  We are also planning on getting rid of all the yard tools which we know we won't need~ lawn mower, blower, edger, etc.

One item, I will not allow Brent to get rid of is the large green "Love Sac" beanbag we have!  It was the ONLY piece of furniture Brent owned when I met him just under 7 years ago!  This is the only picture I could find of it semi fluffed up.  We went round and round on how to pack/transport this thing!  

Well, here you go...

We researched on-line how to move the thing!  And here you go~ we did it!  It only took about 20-30 minutes and wa-la!  We could have spent about $50 for a kit to help us get the thing to fit back into its original sac in about 15 minutes, but, instead, we invested $4 and 20-30 minutes to get the job done!  We were completely proud of ourselves!

The other boxes in this pic.... well, one of them is going with us, and the others are to be picked up by someone else!  YaY!  We are on a start to get this "Project Arizona" on it's way!

***My Countdown is on.... 31 days until we leave my lovely state of North Carolina***

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you were moving! Hope all goes well and you have safe travels!
